Sunday, November 13, 2011

First nail art ever!


So I know its late but I had to share these with you! My first ever nail art! I did a tape mani and free handed some of the work. Now I am NOT AN ARTIST. I have always sucked at drawing with anything besides chalk. SO take it as it is. I had green polish on my toes so I did Christmas presents on them!

I am a total hypocrite because I hate it when people talk about Christmas before Thanksgiving. (People who put there Christmas trees or lights up before Thanksgiving should be whacked over the head with a frozen turkey!) But I wasn't about to change my polish and no one will see my toes since its getting colder out.

On my hands I tried out my new L.A. Colors Force I really like the color but so far it is not giving me a good impression that it will last. For I also tried a tape mani on this one and it got super botched. So please excuse my nails they are horrid and I will change them, probably on Tuesday if I get time.
